The Lady of the Beast has had herself a facelift. Well not so much as a facelift as a complete makeover! Draw that Beast now comes with added new logo.
The official logo exists thanks to the wonderfully talented, generous and artistic Alice Carroll.
Alice and I put our heads together to come up with the new Lady, which we hope you like. She is intended to be a positive character, one who carries a weight but isn’t completely weighed down by it. She has a quiet inner strength to her.The mask represents that we all, to varying degrees, wear masks to hide our true selves in the day to day. It ties back to the original and driving intent of Draw that Beast, which is to give people a virtual space to express what is behind their own masks. The mask intentionally blends in with the rest of the picture to make it not immediately obvious. This reflects that you can’t see depression in others as easily as you can a broken arm, it’s more subtle.
So, that’s all the news from Beast Central. If you feel like submitting your beast, then email drawthatbeast(at)gmail.com If you have trouble drawing, then remember you can always take a photo, make a montage or digital mash, paint, write a line or two, knit, sew, sculpt – whatever helps to give your beast a form.